
Tired of Awkward Role-play?

Train with Unscripted Conversational AI to Win More Deals.

Copient.ai leverages secure in-context learning of your organization’s proprietary learning and development curriculum to deliver authentic conversational training experiences for your team at scale.

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  • Life Sciences
  • B2B SaaS
  • Education
  • Health Systems

Why Copient.ai?

A Better Way To Train

When it is crucial that your team understands your material and knows it well enough to lead conversations, discovery calls, and demos confidently, you need more than videos and quizzes — you need a way to conduct unscripted role-play at scale, with all the specific nuances your team will face in real-life scenarios.

Using a unique learning path containing prompt-generated flashcards, text chat, and live avatar conversations, Copient.ai enables you to upskill your team more effectively in a safe and secure environment, measure individual comprehension, and strengthen information retention to close more deals.

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Benefits Include:

  • Configurable Sales Methodology: Ensure reps know how to use your chosen sales framework.
  • Realistic AI Simulations: Train with AI characters that mimic real customer mindsets for authentic practice.
  • 24/7 Availability: Unlimited, on-demand access allows for practice anytime, anywhere.
  • Customizable Scenarios: Tailor role-playing exercises to your specific sales processes and products.
  • Muscle Memory Development: Repeated practice leads to consistent performance in real sales situations.
  • Immediate Feedback: Get real-time insights into performance with suggestions for improvement.
  • Comprehensive Learning Path: Enjoy a full spectrum of training tools, from AI flashcards to live sales dialogues.
  • Tailored Training: Leverage your data and parameters for training that mirrors real-life sales prospects.
  • Managerial Insights and Coaching: Tools for tracking progress and AI-powered feedback to enhance coaching skills.
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Corporate Finance

  • Transparent work management
  • Track your progress with interactive charts
  • Easiest way to track time spent on tasks
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Industries We Serve

Life Sciences

In the fast-evolving world of life sciences, sales professionals must be knowledgeable about complex products, their impact on patients, and ethical and regulatory requirements. Copient.ai specializes in transforming sales training for the life sciences sector by harnessing the power of secure in-context learning to configure the platform to support an organization’s learning and development curriculum. Our AI-driven platform simulates real-world scenarios, enabling your team to practice and perfect their pitches, ensuring they communicate value effectively while adhering to medical/legal requirements.

B2B SaaS

For B2B SaaS companies, where product differentiation and rapid innovation are essential, sales teams must be on the cutting edge. Copient.ai revolutionizes sales training for the SaaS industry by offering dynamic AI-powered role plays and training modules that adapt to the latest product updates and market trends. Our platform enables your sales team to master complex sales cycles and sell your SaaS solutions effectively. It ensures they can articulate unique selling points and navigate objections proficiently, keeping your business ahead in a competitive landscape.


In the education sector, where the impact of your solutions can shape the future of learning, your sales team needs to be both knowledgeable and passionate advocates. Copient.ai enhances sales training for the education industry by providing immersive AI-driven simulations that cover the breadth of educational products and services. Our platform ensures your team is adept at conveying the value of your solutions to educational institutions, demonstrating how they can revolutionize learning outcomes and address the unique challenges educators and students face.


Train to Win

Elevate your sales team's day-to-day performance with Copient.ai, the advanced training platform that simulates realistic customer interactions for agile sales practice in a safe environment. Offering a proprietary blend of AI-driven conversational role-play, immediate feedback, and configurable training scenarios, Copient.ai fits seamlessly into your sales strategy, equipping your team to win.
